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Project Management – Engagement & Motivation of Employees

Abbildung 1: Engage Employees in Change Projects [1]

How to create motivation for employees and some tips for effective project management

Project Management is kind of a truly great form of art and it takes some skilled managers to handle all the best techniques Fortunately, very good managers over th last decades have taken part in the technologies revolution and worked in companies with some technical counterparts in the technology field to create systems and training for big implementation.

It is doable for cooperation to implement strategic project management principles and of course techniques to help and support the supervision of employees. There are some different tactics from an operational standpoint that follow very far with motivated employees to make sure their buy-in. The other kind of employees do better with quality assurance standards.[2]

Internal Motivators

So, what is the key to motivate employees? Keep in mind that this can be directed by either external or internal processes. In the case of internal motivated employees, a project management team can influence some employees with the offer by giving rewards, punishments or establish a comradery based team, or emotional appeals.

A bunch of seasoned project managers most often make the claim that professionals do not need to get to work motivated every day. However, not every single task of a job requires thought and creativity. [3]

Also, very boring and repetitive tasks are as important as the cognitive ones. If the job is not that naturally satisfying in its right, then fully satisfaction must be obtained from different sources.

Since a very long time the society has long thought that jobs such as nursing, helping the poor, ministry and other humanitarian positions have a kind of degree of inherent satisfaction built into them.

If, nevertheless, the job is not very inherently satisfying, the employees can get satisfaction through goal achievement, active employee involvement in the processes, team competition to help supply the motivation.

This is a brief overview of some environmental motivators that require expert and constant management by experienced project managers.[4]

External Motivators

One of the greatest most common expression growing now is “Trust, but verify.”

Some employees will just never buy into the program, never look out to achieve excellence, and at the same time will not underperform. Mediocrity is the wort kind of outcome in the world of competing businesses and this is a precursor to utter failures without the right inversion team.

There are tools like computerization and mechanization that mass produce success when they are utilized in a symbiotic fashion. Building the right balance between monitoring for employee performance goal achievement and employee is a very sensitive balancing act.[5]

There are people that can run a marathon meanwhile others excel at 40-meter dash.When a quality or productivity assurance milestone is set for position human resources have to create a good image of what is required physically and mentally when the position is filled with the best qualified personnel.

The reality is that almost in every company employees are expected to do work at a very high rate of productivity. To achieve that milestone, all team members must at first place be in the position of performing the task flawless. When the right hired employees get the proper training, they will be in the need of tools to monitor their performance.[6]

With the skills of the employee to follow their goals and the ability of management to observe their performance simultaneously, the collaboration between the team of the project management and the employee can be symbiotic.[7]

In the project management one of the most difficult challenges is not getting people to do what you want them to do, but in getting them to love and want to do what is required. [8]









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